Members of AIMVT (as of January 2025)
Megan Agnello, AHT, RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Lori Aguanno, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Charter Member Emeritus Katherine (Kate) Albin (nee Gilbert), CVT, VTS (SAIM) Kim Albin, LVT, VTS (Oncology) Lifetime Amanda Albrecht, RVT, VTS (Equine IM) Jessica Aldridge, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Chassidy Alexander, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Laura Allen, BS, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Victoria Anders, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Heather Anderson (nee Myers), RVT, VTS (Neurology) Kristen Antoon, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Jodi April (nee Schumacher), LVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Charter Member Julie Azzopardi, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Steve Baker, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Charter Member Amanda Barker, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Hilary Baskin, CVT, VTS (LAIM) Jessica L. Bautista, RVT, VTS (Neurology) Karen Becki, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Gemma Bell, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Ashley Benjamin, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Kathleen (Kat) Bennett, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Sarah Blasczynski, BS, RVT, VTS (LAIM) Cheryl Bohling, CVT, RTT, VTS (Oncology) Charter Member Sandra Bolduc, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Caroline Su Boothroyd, RVN, Cert SAN, VTS (SAIM)(Oncology) Jessica Boyle (nee Donatelli), CVT, VTS (SAIM) Amanda Brackett, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Yvonne Brandenburg, RVT, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Inge Breathnach, RVN, VTS (Oncology) Barbara Brewer, BA, BS, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Emeritus Brooke Bridges, RVT, VTS (Cardilogy) Brenda Buchanan, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Danielle Buchanan, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Martha Byard, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Kristen Cafarella, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Rosemary (Rosie) Calderon, LVT, VTS (Oncology) Chelsea Michelle Camiolo, BS, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Melissa Campo Statz, CVT, VTS (Neurology) Lindsay Carroll, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Amber Carron, CVT, VTS (Neurology) Jenny Cassibry-Fisher, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Raquel Cepelak, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Rebecca Charteris, AVN, Dip VN ECC, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Karen Church, RVN, cert VN, VTS (Neurology)(ECC) Julie Commons, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Lisa Marie Cosco, CVT, VTS (Neurology) Susan Cox, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Charter Member Tracy Darling, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Colleen Davis (nee Ruderman), RVT, VTS (SAIM) Danielle (Dani) DeCormier, LVT, VTS (Oncology) Sara-Ann Dickson, BSc, RVN, AFHEA, VTS (Cardiology) Lori Dinsmore, LVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Ashley DiPrete, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Alison Downie, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Emeritus Ed Durham, CVT, AHT, LATG, VTS (Cardiology) Charter Member Jane Ebben, RVT, VTS (LAIM) Charter Member Emeritus (deceased) Madeline Ederer (nee Levesque), RVT, VTS (Oncology) Lisa Elliott, BS, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Tracy Elmes-Young, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Charter Member Anna Engrem (nee Hoffman), CVT, VTS (Neurology) Leslie Fairbanks, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Sandra Farfan, LVT, VTS (Oncology) Charlotte Fennell, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Sheryl Ferguson, CVT, VTS (LAIM) Charter Member Carol Fitzpatrick, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Corinne Flynn, BSc(Hons) PgC Cert AVN (Anaesthesia) RVN, VTS (Neurology) Cassandra (Casey) Foster (nee Mylet), CVT, VTS (Oncology) Lindsey (Linz) Fourez, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Lori Fuehrer-Senecal, CVT, VTS (SAIM)(Anesthesia/Analgesia) Emily Fullerton, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Beth (Elizabeth) Fults (nee Rogers), RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Charter Member Kristie Garcia, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Chelsea Lynn Gardiner-Kiser, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Laura George, RVN, DipHE CVN, DipAVN (small animal), CertVN ECC, VTS (SAIM) Bryony Gilder, RVN, VTS (Neurology) Stephanie Gilliam, RVT, BS, CCRP, VTS (Neurology) Lifetime Christina Giovannielli, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Anastasia Glahn, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Michelle Grabowski, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Diane Green, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Emeritus Charter Member Isabel Greene, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Anna Grimes, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Jennifer Hall, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Meri Hall, RVT, RLATG, VTS (SAIM) Charter Member Lindsay Hallman, CVT, VTS (Oncology) MegAnn Harrington, CVT, VTS (Production Animal IM) Zoe Hatfield, RCVS, RVN, VTS (Neurology) Charli Heard, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Ryanne Heiny, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Shari Hemsley, BS, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Emeritus Victor Hernandez, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Abbey Hertel, BA, RVT, VTS (Neurology) Kristin Hohnadel, BS, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Sarah Holliday, RVN, VTS (Oncology) Emma Hudson, RVN, VTS (Cardiology) Liz Hughston, MEd., RVT, CVT, LVT, LVMT, VTS (SAIM) Lifetime (ECC) Retired Erica Hunt (nee Zappia), LVT, VTS (SAIM) Shannan Hunter, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Momoko Ito, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Wendy Jarnet, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Shannon Jennings, LVT, VTS (CP)(Oncology) Cherise Johnson, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Laura Jones (nee Rosewell), BSc(Hons), DipAVN(SA), RVN, VTS (SAIM) Tricia Kaoihana, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Rochelle Keaton, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Victoria (Tori) Kerby (nee Mudge), LVT, VTS (SAIM)(Nutrition) Chastity Ketchum (nee Knopp), CVT, VTS (SAIM) Lisa Kirk, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Lisa Korth, CVT, VTS (Neurology) Emeritus Samantha (Sam) Kowalski, CVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Christine Kramer, CVT, VTS (Neurology) Tiffany Krystoff, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Brittany Laflen, RVT, VTS (Neurology) Jessica (Jessie) Laguna, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Andrea Lancaster, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Kaytee Lawrence, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Megan Lee, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Rebecca Lee, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Shawna Lee, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Vanessa Leiser, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Kaylee Lewis, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Stephanie Lewis, BS, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Laura Lien, MS, CVT, VTS (LAIM) Emeritus Charter Member Shalom Lima (nee Milani), BS, CVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Katherine Limebear, Cert VN ECC, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Raquel Loredo, RVT, VTS (Neurology) Rebekah (Beka) Major, RVT, VTS (Neurology) Alanna Mallory (nee Marinelli), LVT, VTS (SAIM) Kathryn (Katie) Marles (nee Jordahl), LVT, CCRVN, VTS (Neurology) Charter Member Sharon Matie, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Vicky Maund (nee Pheysey), BSc(Hons) CVN, Dip AVN (SA), RVN, VTS (SAIM) Jessica McCarty, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Kathryn McConnell, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Katelyn McDonald, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Lana McGrath, LVT, VTS (ECC)(SAIM Emeritus) Michelle McIntyre, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Kathryn (Kate) McLaughlin, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Sophie McMurrough, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Emily Meats (nee Hooper), RVN, VTS (Neurology) Jaclyn (Jackie) Medina, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Jennifer Menninger, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Linda Merrill, LVT, VTS (SAIM), AIMVT Executive Director Emeritus Charter Member Danielle (Dani) Merriss, RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Eleonora (Elle) Mitelberg, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Lori Moran, AS, BS, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Samantha (Sam) Moraux (nee Fritz Waibel), CVT, VTS (Oncology) Dena (Dee) Morrison-Alford, BS, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Brenna Mousaw, LVT, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Juliet (Jules) Morrison, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Kristen Mueller, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Patricia (Patti) Mueller, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Emeritus Emma Murphy, RVN, VTS (Cardiology) Shannon Murphy, CVT, APLB, VTS (Cardiology) Anne Myers, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Charter Member Emeritus Renee Neideigh, LVT, VTS (Oncology) Julie Ann Nettifee Osborne, RVT, BS, VTS (Neurology) Charter Member Hally E. Niehaus, BS, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Carla Notario, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Tracey Nowers, CVT, VTS (SAIM)(CP-C/F) Charlotte Pace, BA (Hons), RVN, VTS (Cardiology) Robyn Panico, BS, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Marika Pappagianis, BS, RVT, VTS (LAIM) Emeritus Charter Member Jennifer Parker (nee Elenback), CVT, VTS (SAIM) Mary Passmore (nee English), LVMT, VTS (LAIM) Brittany Peeler, BS, LVT, RVT, RVMRI, VTS (Neurology) Elizabeth (Liz) Phipps, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Paula Plummer, RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC)(CP-Feline) Jordan Porter, LVT, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Rachel Poulin, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Lisa Price, LVMT, VTS (SAIM) Brooke Quesnell (nee Whitney), CVT, VTS (Oncology) Kaitlyn Quirk, CVT, VTS (Equine IM) Angela Rathmann (nee Thorp-Randels), CVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Charter Member Carissa Reese (nee Sparks), BS, RVT, VTS (Neurology) Emeritus Inger Reres, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Marisa Rhyne, MS, RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Darlene L. Riel, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Emeritus Charter Member Christopher Rizzo, LVT, VTN (LAIM)(EVN) Angela Roden-Reynolds, LVT, VTS (Oncology) Natalie Roper, BSc RVN, VTS (Neurology) Hannah Russum (nee Webb), RVT, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Linda Ryan (nee Roberts), DipAVN (Medical) VN, VTS (Oncology)(Behaviour) Claressa Salsbury, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Shirley Sandoval, LVT, VTS (LAIM) Emeritus Charter Member Laurence Santerre-Belec, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Eilene Rose Sarratori, LVT, VTS (LAIM) Danielle J. Schaak, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Rhonda Schaffer, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Carrie Schwake (nee Flatjord), RVT, VTS (SAIM) Patricia (Patty) Secoura, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Kimberly (Kim) Sederquist, BS, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Christy Servies (nee Noyes), RVT, CCRP, VTS (Neurology) Jessica Shissler, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Anne Sholly, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Cherie Slabaugh, CVT, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Diana Smith, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Kathi Smith, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Charter Member Rhonda South-Bodiford, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Charter Member Jennifer (Jenn) Spellen (nee McDonell), RVT, VTS (SAIM) Maureen Sroufe, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Charter Member Anjanette (Angie) Stone (nee Price), BS, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Melissa J. (Mel) Supernor, AS, BS, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Charter Member Alexis Sweigart (nee Lonergan), RVT, VTS (SAIM) Carolyn Tai, CVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Kari Tarver, RVT, VTS (Neurology)(ECC) Deborah (Deb) Tate, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Emeritus Dawn Terrill, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Jane Thoman (nee Krause), CVT, VTS (SAIM) Bethany (Beth) Thomas, RVN, VTS (SAIM) Katie Thomas, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Sheridan Tidball, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Camia Tonge, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Victoria Tsangos, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Marcus Turner, LVMTg, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Melissa Underhill, RVT, VTS (Oncology)(ECC) Amy Van Cott, LVT, VTS (Cardiology) Sarah Vandevelde, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Petra Vasilik, RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Charter Member Lynda Vermillion, LVT, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Valerie (Val) Walkenhorst, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Kari Jo Walker, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Casie Ward, LVT, VTS (SAIM) Christine Weaver, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Kimberley Weir, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Katie Wenner, BS, LVT, VTS (IM - Cardiology) Jamie Wesolowski, AAS, BS, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Jena West, LVMT, VTS (Cardiology) Rachel White, LVT, VTS (Neurology) Karen Wiley, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Corene Wilkie (nee Murphy), RVT, VTS (Cardiology) Jessica C. Wilson-Hess, MS, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Noelle Wolf, RVT, VTS (SAIM) Lisa Wood (nee Soucy, nee Trainer), BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (SAIM) Ann Wortinger, LVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC)(Nutrition) Charter Member Kate Wotrang, RVT, VTS (Oncology) Erin Wright, CVT, VTS (Neurology) Paula Wynne, RVN Dip AVN (small animal), VTS (IM - Oncology) Liza Wysong (nee Rudolph), BAS, LVT, VTS (SAIM)(CP-CF) Kenichiro (Ken) Yagi, MS, RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) Ray Zeuner, CVT, VTS (Cardiology) Kim Zwerenz-Miks, MS, RVT, VTS (SAIM)(ECC) |
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